How is a tennis match like a marriage?
No, this isn’t the entry point to an off-color riddle. It’s an attempt on my part to understand why, lately, I’ve forgotten how to win.
For the past two months, I’ve been losing a lot of tennis matches. More than a lot, in fact. Most.
Partly I can attribute this drought to the fact that I’m hitting against the same three guys, and all of them are tough competition for me. One (Eric H.) is a solid 4.0 player who could compete at 4.5 and has competed a great deal at 4.0 singles, winning most of his matches last season. Another (George W.) is a former teaching and hitting pro who in his salad days occasionally hit drills with Ivan Lendl. The third (Joe D.) is a young teaching pro with a fairly big game.
All of these guys are winners, and I’m the big loser. I give them a run on any given point and in any given game, but I’m having a great deal of trouble taking sets off of them. Sometimes I lose very badly, and the occasional set that I do win is almost never lopsided in my favor.